• 本当は、田舎に庵を建てて隠遁生活したいけど、先立つものも無いので自宅で..。

Hiperformance regenerative receiver..を読む(1)

‘High performance regenerative receiver design’にある気になる記述を見ていく。


In addition, the grid-leak biasing normally used with these circuits tends to maintain a nearly constant oscillation amplitude over wide frequency ranges and, therefor, requires very little readjustment.

グリッドリークバイアスについて書かれている。 グリッドリークバイアスの働きについては、イマイチよく理解できていないけど、これによると「広い周波数範囲で、発振振幅を一定に保つことができる」と書いてある。 今まで作ったregenは、CWを受信する時、トーンが一定にならないことが多かったけど、ゲートリークの定数がまずかったんだろうか? 実験してみる価値があるかも。

A final problem is hum modulation at the higher HF frequencies, those above approximately 14MHz. Whe used in the oscillating mode, the RF output from the detector finds its way back to the antenna where it heterodynes with incoming RF signals. The solution is an RF satage with the good solution.

高周波領域でのハム音対策には、RFアンプをつけろ。 14MHz以上を対象とするときは、考慮する必要があるけど、まあ、RF信号漏れ対策でRFアンプは普通つけるから・・。

Fig4b and 4c show the throttle-capacitor method. From a performance standpoint, this is far better than any resitive control. A well-made capacitive throttle allows regeneration to be set “right on the edge” of oscillation, resulting in great selectiveity and sensitivity. With a capacitive control, the detector’s supply voltage can be regulated a Zener diode or other means. In actural operation, this method provides a very dramatic improvement in regenerative-detector stability.

スロットルキャパシタータイプにすると、再生検波器の安定性が飛躍的に向上するらしい。 とりあえず、スロットキャパシター方式から検討しよう。


Despite this reduction in potential interference, it is still good engineering practice to use an RF stage to provide further isolation between the detector and the antenna. An RF stage prevents the antenna from absorbing power from the detector at frequencies where the antenna is resonant. It also prevents “aeronautical effects,” where an antenna that swings in the wind chages the oscillation frequency of the detector. Finally, the RF stage provides gain that is often needed at the higher shorwave frequencies.


Many published articles recommend a tuned RF stage for their receivers. Althouh this is very sensible for a direct-conversion or superhet design, a tuned stage is both unnecessary and undesirable for a regen.

regenには、同調型のRFアンプは不要だし、望ましくない。← これ気になる記述。

The output from Q1 couples to the tuned LC circuit of the detector. Since the input and output circuits of the RF stage are both tuned to the same frequency, with gain from Q1 in between, a “tuned-grid, tuned-plate” oscillator is created. This usually requires that the RF stage be neutralized to prevent it from oscillating. Therefore, building a decent, nonoscillating tuned RF stage involves a fair amount of work and skill. JFET devices are also commonly used, but even with a JFET, instability problems usually requires a tap on T1 (and/or T2 ) or the use of neutralization.

RF段の入力と出力が同じ周波数に同調していると発振するので、中和が必要になる。←望ましくない理由。 だけど、真空管時代ならともかく、今時のデバイスは高周波でも結構いける気がするが・・。

In a regen, however, little RF gain is needed. In fact, the detector is usually too sensitive in the oscillating mode and requires an input attenuator ( more about this later).

regenでは、発振モードでは、感度が良すぎてアッテネータが必要になるぐらいだから、RFゲインはほとんど必要ない。← 不要の理由



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